How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body

February 22nd, 2016 - By admin in Anxiety, Information on ADD/ADHD, Neurofeedback News

Follow-up brain scans in a study of those who underwent mindfulness meditation showed that there was more activity, or communication, among the portions of their brains that process stress-related reactions and other areas related to focus and calm. Full Article: The New York Times, “How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body”

Brain Training for Anxiety, Depression and Other Mental Conditions

January 26th, 2016 - By admin in Anxiety, Neurofeedback News

Not everyone responds to current treatments like antidepressant medication and talk therapy. There is an urgent need for new approaches for psychiatric disorders, particularly anxiety and depression. Neurofeedback uses real-time scans to show patients how their brains go awry—and how to fix the dysfunction. Full Article: The Wall Street Journal, “Brain Training for Anxiety, Depression and Other Conditions” View PDF Version: WSJ – “Brain Training …more

Bullying in Schools is a Serious Issue

November 23rd, 2015 - By admin in Anxiety

CAUTION: prior to clicking the link to this article, please be advised that the story contains insulting slurs. It is the narrative of a high school teenager who was bullied at school to the point of suicide. She feels more students should be able to make the choice that saved her. Full Article: Salon, “…bullying almost killed me, but leaving school saved my life”

Better Math Scores, Less Fear

September 28th, 2015 - By admin in Anxiety, Neurofeedback News

Early anxiety about dealing with numbers can put a child at a significant disadvantage, not only in school but in negotiating life and a career. A study of third-graders suggests an intervention that can help. Researchers say one-on-one tutoring calms the fear circuitry in the brain. Full Article: NPR, “1 Student + 1 Tutor = Better Math Scores, Less Fear”

Why Being Idle Can Lead to Better Thinking

December 1st, 2014 - By admin in Anxiety, Athletic/Performance Enhancement, Information on ADD/ADHD, Mild/Traumatic Brain Injury, Neurofeedback News

Studies show that people would rather do something—anything—than be alone with their thoughts. But it’s through reflection, daydreaming, and introspection that we make sense of information and experiences and come up with new insight and ideas. Full Article: Lifehacker, “Why Being Idle Can Lead to Better Thinking”

Meditation for your Kids

August 29th, 2014 - By admin in Anxiety, Athletic/Performance Enhancement, Information on ADD/ADHD, Neurofeedback News

Meditation can be a great tool for children with ADHD. This article in the Deepak Chopra Newsletter offers techniques and tips about Kids and Meditating. techniques could help them to cope better with stress and grow into living healthier lives. – See more at: techniques could help them to cope better with stress and grow into living healthier lives. – See more at: