An Abstract on Reduced Symptoms of Inattention after Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Boys with and without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Full Article: Neuropsychopharmachology – At the Intersection of Brain, Behavior, and Therapeutics
A dad reveals to the movie’s director that the character Groot in “Guardians of the Galaxy”, helped his son who suffers from a speech disorder, find his voice again. Full Article, CNET ” ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ inspires kid to speak for first time”
New research examines the myriad ways chronic stress and anxiety can damage your long-term health. Full Article: Salon, “What Stress Does to Your Brain”
Recent studies suggest that kids with over involved parents and rigidly structured childhoods suffer psychological downfall in college. Full Article: Slate Magazine, “Kids of Helicopter Parents Are Sputtering Out”
Communication between brain regions allows adults to better consider the future. Full Article: ars technica, “Increased Brain Connectivity Eases Teenage Impatience”
Injuries sustained by several players in high profile cases have troubled concussion activists. They say that despite clear progress in the recognition and treatment of head injuries in soccer, it is often up to the injured athlete or that athlete’s coach to determine when an injury requires removal from play. Mandatory stoppages and temporary substitutions…