Why You Still Probably Need More Rest

June 10th, 2016 - By admin in Sleep

Of all our personal limited resources, it is a wonder why rest gets such short shrift. Too many of us have forgotten what being rested actually feels like. In light of that, this article offers up a few suggestions to remedy the situation. Read Full Article: Why You Still Probably Need More Rest (and 23 Ways to Get It)

In Defense of Absurdly Early Bedtimes

May 19th, 2016 - By admin in Sleep

Research consistently shows that putting kids to bed early is beneficial for their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Not only do kids tend to sleep more when the lights go out sooner, but they also may get a greater proportion of restorative sleep, too. Read Full Article, “In Defense of Absurdly Early Bedtimes”

Eliminating the stigma of napping at work

April 6th, 2016 - By admin in Athletic/Performance Enhancement, Sleep

Naps are actually a performance enhancer. Studies have shown that a nap in the morning can boost creative thinking, while afternoon naps can help people feel better physically. Full Article: Huffington Post, “Arianna: Office Nap Rooms Will Soon Be As Common As Conference Rooms”

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Meets the Sleep Revolution

February 1st, 2016 - By admin in Athletic/Performance Enhancement, Neurofeedback News, Sleep

The conversations at Davos this year are a blueprint for a wider definition of success, one that recognizes that in our quest for a competitive edge and enhanced performance, we actually stand to gain from putting our humanity, well-being, and sense of purpose at the center. Full Article: Huffington Post, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution Meets the Sleep Revolution”

Why Your Morning Routine Isn’t Working, and How to Fix it

October 20th, 2015 - By admin in Athletic/Performance Enhancement, Sleep

Don’t go from zero to 60 with your mornings; slowly change your habits over time. Start the day right with a morning routine that feeds your mind. You want to be realistic about how much you can fit into your morning and then come up with a few impactful activities. Full Article: lifehaker, “Why Your Morning Routine Isn’t Working, and How to Fix it”

Short Sleepers May Catch More Colds

September 25th, 2015 - By admin in Sleep

In what may be the first study of this kind, researchers say they found that adults who sleep less than five or six hours a night are four times more likely to catch a cold than than those who get at least seven or more hours of sleep. Full Article:The New York Times – Short Sleepers May Catch More Colds