This Medscape article references a recent article in Pediatrics (Feb 17, 2014) which discusses neurofeedback being a lasting treatment for ADHD, faring better than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It also offers good information about medications for ADHD and neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback for ADHD Significant Lasting Improvement – M. Brooks Medscape Medical News Psychiatry
This seems like common sense, and this is how neuroAgility approaches ADHD, but this article is a good read educationally for parents.
How we talk to ourselves, what we tell ourselves, whether we believe it to be true ~ does have an effect on outcome and behavior.
Concussions are a very controversial topic in sports, and the measurement of them is controversial as well. neuroAgility is often doing baseline qEEG’s for highschoolers, college, and professional athletes who want to see their activity before moving into even more intense arenas. There is hot debate around the topic of sports concussions, with no sure fire…
Parents, read this! Great update on technology and the generation gap.
ADHD doesn’t just “go away” in adulthood. Here’s a closer look at adult ADHD.