People with ADHD may not have a disorder, so much as a set of behavioral traits that don’t match the expectations of our contemporary culture. The problem is not just the brain. The problem is boredom. Full Article: The New York Times, “A Natural Fix for ADHD”
For those who are struggling, or whose kids struggle with “fitting in”, this is a great video: Fitting in Cardboard.
How the “Performance Revolution” came to Athletics and Beyond
This Huffington Post Article highlights reoccurring personality traits of creative people, and provides information on recent work in cognitive neuroscience that also suggests a connection between ADHD and creativity.
This New York Times article introduces a new web resource to help parents.
On October 16th &17th, 2014 neuroAgility’s clinicians are attending a Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado Concussion Conference in Denver, CO on the short term and long term implications of head injury. Featured speakers are listed in the link.