• Escape to another world

    As video games get better and job prospects worse, more young men are dropping out of the job market to spend their time in an alternate reality. Ryan Avent suspects this is the beginning of something big Read full article: The Economist 1843, “Escape to another world.”

  • I Learned I Have Sleep Apnea. It’s More Serious Than Many People Realize.

    Sleep apnea can be downright deadly, and not just for those who have it. It’s associated with a greater risk of depression, heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular conditions, as well as insulin resistance. As I learned, there’s no reason to meekly accept sleep apnea: There are many treatment options that can control it. Read…

  • Endless Gaming May Be a Bad Habit. That Doesn’t Make It a Mental Illness.

    The World Health Organization last month added “internet gaming disorder” to its manual of psychiatric diagnoses, and the reaction was, shall we say, muted.  At a time when millions of grown adults exchange one-liners with Siri or Alexa, the diagnosis seems years overdue, doesn’t it? Read full article, The New York Times, “Endless Gaming May…

  • ‘Cutting Edge’ Program For Children With Autism And ADHD Rests On Razor-Thin Evidence

    Brain Balance says its nonmedical and drug-free program helps children who struggle with ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and learning and processing disorders. The company says it addresses a child’s challenges with a combination of physical exercises, nutritional guidance and academic training. An NPR investigation of Brain Balance reveals a company whose promises have resonated with…

  • A Map That Shows You Everything Wrong With Your Brain

    Kerson placed the cap on my head and clipped two sensors on to my earlobes, areas of no electrical activity, to act as baselines. As she began Electrogelling the 19 spots on my head that aligned with the cap’s electrodes, I was nervous in two different directions: one, that my brain would be revealed as…

  • “Traveling” Brain Waves May Be Critical for Cognition

    The electrical oscillations we call brain waves have intrigued scientists and the public for more than a century. But their function—and even whether they have one, rather than just reflecting brain activity like an engine’s hum—is still debated. Many neuroscientists have assumed that if brain waves do anything, it is by oscillating in synchrony in…