Get comfortable with accomplishing less. Read Full Article: Stop Multitasking. No, Really — Just Stop It; NY Times
A recent study published in the journal Sleep suggests that the simple act of wearing an eye mask to block out light while sleeping can improve cognitive function the next day. In two experiments, the researchers found that participants who slept with an eye mask showed enhanced episodic memory encoding and alertness the following day. Read Full…
For years, the treatment protocol for children with concussions involved keeping them out of school to rest in a quiet, dark room with reduced access to screens until they felt better. In the past decade, however, doctors have been moving toward encouraging kids to return to school and light activity after only a couple of…
You brain is wired to focus on the negative. Here’s how to build a new, more positive, mindset anytime, anywhere. Read Full Article: The Neuroscience of Breaking Out of Negative Thinking, By: Nate Klemp; getpocket.com
Well-meaning messages meant to keep teens safe can backfire. The key is to focus on judgment and agency, not rigid rules for screen time. Read Full Article: www.wired.com; What Adults Don’t Get About Teens and Digital Life
Without sleep, we will die. But neuroscience is only beginning to figure out why we sleep. The brain is highly active during sleep, forming long-term memories and cleaning itself. New research shows that our brains respond to sounds in much the same way during sleep and wakefulness. Read full article: NEUROPHYSC; When your brain sleeps, the…
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Children and teens with ADHD may lose friends because of deficits in social executive function skills – the underlying processes that are involved in social skills ranging from perspective-taking to reciprocity and cognitive flexibility. Here, learn strategies that help them bolster these skills and strengthen their friendships. Read full article: Additude; The Social Executive Function…
People with inattentive type ADHD (formerly called ADD) struggle with managing time, losing or misplacing things, and attending to details (resulting in careless mistakes), among other symptoms. Over time, these individuals may experience a higher level of mental fatigue and forgetfulness, and lower sustained energy throughout a task than do their non-ADHD peers. Read full…