“Neurofeedback, Efficacy, and the Teenage Brain” – neuroAgility’s Director, Kerri Honaker, M.A., M.S., LPC, BCIA, will speak at Denver Academy’s Parent Education Evening, November 2013 (see brochure)
Teens/ADHD/Neurofeedback “Too Cool to be Forgotten” – neuroAgility’s Director, Kerri Honaker, M.S., M.A., LPC, BCIA will be speaking at Children’s Hospital Colorado for their Adolescent Health Conference this October 2013. (see brochure)
Repeated light blows to the head can harm cognition, according to a study by neuroscientist Anne Sereno and her team at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. They don’t know if the impact is permanent or if there might be cumulative effects over time, and they concede more research is needed. But…
Study shows that the number of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), increased 24 percent during the past decade, as the condition gained greater recognition by parents and doctors. Read about the study here.
Neurofeedback now a “Level 1 — Best Support” Intervention for Attention & Hyperactivity Behaviors PracticeWise, the company that maintains the American Academy of Pediatrics “Evidence-based Child and Adolescent Psycho-social Interventions” has just announced it will elevate biofeedback to “Level 1 — Best Support” as an intervention for Attention & Hyperactivity Behaviors in the next edition.…
We effectively have three evolutionary versions of brains in our heads. “Our brains are rather like a city that has existed since ancient times.” Take a tour in this article.
An article chronicling the coming of age of autistic youths. Read The New York Times article.
New research suggests that as much as 10 percent of individual differences in intelligence can be explained by the strength of neural pathways connecting the left lateral prefrontal cortex to the rest of the brain. “This study suggests that part of what it means to be intelligent is having a lateral prefrontal cortex that does…
A new blood test could spot a brain injury within a few hours, enabling people to take time off to recover properly. Read more details here.
“Acknowledging and being present with our stress through meditative practice is the best way of reducing it… Meditation is spiritual housekeeping. To meditate is to sweep the rooms of the stress of daily life. Would it be seen as overly self-indulgent to vacuum the living room before the arrival of a guest? The intimate silence…