Remote Neurofeedback Training
neuroAgility, PC has been doing neurofeedback for twenty years. We use state-of-the-art equipment and a highly qualified team. Since COVID-19 and our Safer at Home status, our team has spent much time and energy trying to figure out how to do the most effective remote neurofeedback training. We have kept our system in place!
Remote Training means people can be at home; on the road; or traveling abroad and train their brains. The training can be flexible. It can be in the office and it can be at home.
neuroAgility has now partnered with Muse, an EEG brain-sensing headband, and Myndlift for remote training. This is a clinician-only-supervised remote training option. For all remote training sessions, we are designing a specific protocol based on your data. There are surface training options for LORETA candidates as well as surface training essentially does the same thing as LORETA, it just takes a longer time. We will assist you with getting the device and software set up, as well as provide tips and guidance for optimizing your training in accordance with your set brainwave targets. We will watch your training sessions in real-time with you, as you do your training. neuroAgility prides itself in monitoring all sessions to make sure you are utilizing and accessing the training accurately with a “check in” before each session, or during.
To get started with remote training, we will first have a consultation with you and if it seems like a good fit, we will then record a qEEG in the office, or in an office near you. This is a full 19-lead site brain map. This is essential in the accuracy of how we design your remote training protocol. Then we provide you with a specific type of EEG brain-sensing headband (Muse) that uses 7 calibrated sensors to read your brain activity. The headband also includes an external lead that is placed on the scalp in a location pre-determined by your clinician. This means we’re able to be specific in the regions and activity we’re trying to target.
This headband is then used in conjunction with an app (Myndlift) on your smartphone, android or tablet to translate, through Bluetooth, the EEG into usable data for training. Through our provider dashboard, we are able to create a neurofeedback training program specific to your needs, monitor your progress, and adjust your training protocol as necessary.
For more information about neurofeedback, click here.
Families often share a headset. We offer a family plan for this. Instead of coming into the office and spending drive time, etc, it can be done at home. It will depend on children, and their ability to stay on task as well. When training our youngest clients, usually a mature 7 year old, this requires founder Kerri Honaker, or a parent to be present. But as we go older in the age span, this can be done in a quiet room with us monitoring through Video Chat.
Business Travel
Any professional can train their brain, stay on task with their brain training if one has to leave town, or has a set travel schedule. There is the possible flex of returning into the office to train when in town, or not.
Competitive Edge
This is also a tool that founder Kerri Honaker uses with competitive athletes, musicians, public speakers, anyone who is needing to have their edge in their craft. We can maintain consistent work, so that when the competition comes in, this is the tool to manage and maintain maximum brain discipline, to get it done. Some of these protocols are really honed to the specific endeavor, and do still require an in-office qEEG to determine training protocol selection.