Neurofeedback for Athletes

Champions have the mental edge

Athletes and neuroAgility Training

neuroAgility offers a unique and powerful blend of neurofeedback and mental game management. Our sport specialist Kerri Honaker, M.S., M.A., LPC, has an inspiring, motivational way of working with athletes/performers. She understands that champions have the mental edge.

That Edge is the Name of the Game

Every athlete can think of at least 2 reasons why they are not at the top of their sport. It is possible to work through those reasons, getting out of the way of ourselves, and letting the pureness of our sport take over. How we do that is different for every athlete. It doesn’t matter what your method is; it’s just a matter of finding it.

With mental mastery comes heightened awareness.

Neurofeedback allows an athlete to gain mastery over anxiety, focus, concentration, and relaxation. It also creates flexibility in the mind. Mental flexibility is as important as physical flexibility. With mental mastery comes heightened awareness about the competitive process and self. Mental mastery and mental flexibility are two key factors, among many, that can make the difference in seconds, inches, or points.