Neurofeedback for Adult ADD/ADHD

About Adult ADD/ADHD

While the onset of ADD/ADHD often occurs during childhood, it frequently goes un-diagnosed into adulthood. What often happens is the hyperactive component fades and one is left with many inattentive symptoms. The current research states that ADD/ADHD only occurs in children, however, there is a movement to establish an adult onset of ADD/ADHD, though it is still not clear how that criteria will come to fruition.

Adults with ADD/ADHD may have difficulty following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organizing tasks or completing work within time limits. If these difficulties are not managed appropriately, they can cause associated behavioral, emotional, social, vocational and academic problems. Some behaviors and problems may stem directly from ADD/ADHD or may be the result of related adjustment difficulties: Chronic lateness and forgetfulness, low self-esteem, employment problems, difficulty controlling anger, impulsiveness, relationship problems, mood swings, depression, and low frustration tolerance.

These behaviors may be mild to severe and can vary with the situation or be present all of the time. Some adults with ADD/ADHD may be able to concentrate if they are interested in or excited about what they are doing. Others may have difficulty focusing under any circumstances. Some adults look for stimulation, but others avoid it. In addition, adults with ADD/ADHD can be withdrawn and antisocial, or they can be overly social and unable to be alone.


The treatment for ADD/ADHD ranges from medication management, ADD/ADHD coaching, cognitive behavioral strategies, dietary supplements to neurofeedback.

neuroAgility provides diagnostic evaluations for ADD/ADHD. We offer state of the art brain training that is respectful and non-stigmatizing, this is called neurofeedback. ADD/ADHD can be managed ~ many adults reduce symptoms and redirect aspects of their attentional style to function well in careers and relationships.

We incor­porate neuro­feedback within a perfor­mance moti­va­tional model