Steve Stockdale

Steve Stockdale, Ph.D., B.C.I.A.

Licensed Clinical Psychol­ogist, Staff Consultant

Dr. Steven Stockdale is a Licensed Clinical Psychol­ogist. Dr. Stockdale has extensive expe­rience in clinical and research appli­ca­tions of Quan­ti­tative EEG tech­nology. He is currently the Clinical Director of The Neuro-Health Center in Colorado Springs, CO, which specializes in Quan­ti­tative EEG eval­u­a­tions and neuro­feedback treatment for Attention Deficit Disorders and Mild Closed Head Injuries.

In 1991, Dr. Stockdale estab­lished a research and treatment facility for Lexicor Medical Tech­nology. Previ­ously, he was in private practice special­izing in child and family psychology and has held appoint­ments at The University of Colorado and Chapman University. Dr. Stockdale is an inter­na­tionally known speaker on Quan­ti­tative EEG and neuro­feedback. He is past pres­ident of The Society for the Study of Neuronal Regu­lation, a profes­sional society dedi­cated to the advancement of Quan­ti­tative EEG and neuro­feedback through research.