About qEEG & Neurofeedback
Analogous to the way that Physical Therapy helps a person gain strength, flexibility, and range of motion, neurofeedback allows a person to gain mastery over anxiety, focus, concentration, and relaxation. It also creates flexibility in the mind. Cognitive flexibility is as important as physical flexibility. We think of neurofeedback as Physical Therapy for the brain. We employ qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) and EEG biofeedback (also called neurofeedback or neurotherapy) to train individuals to alter their brainwaves.
To accomplish this, we first create a brain map (qEEG) — a picture of the activity in a person’s brain before training. This is done by attaching painless, non-invasive sensors to his or her scalp and recording the signals received. With this map, neurofeedback protocols are tailored to the individual’s needs.
“After doing neurofeedback I have better word finding and articulation; better organization and structure at work and at home.”
qEEG mapping and Neurofeedback training are conducted in a comfortable office setting, at our Centers, utilizing state-of-the-art computer-assisted equipment. Neurofeedback is used in conjunction with psychotherapy for attentional disorders, brain injury, anxiety, Asperger’s, and sleep. Extensive scientific literature documents its safety and efficacy.
Going Forward
Learn more about Neurofeedback
Learn more about how neuroAgility can help you with our programs.