Andrew L. Braun

Andrew L. Braun, MBA

Business and Devel­opment Consultant

Andrew L. Braun is prin­cipal and Pres­ident of Andrew L. Braun & Asso­ciates, LLC, a management consulting and coaching firm that iden­tifies and helps implement business solu­tions for healthcare orga­ni­za­tions and practitioners.

Mr. Braun has been chief exec­utive officer of several healthcare orga­ni­za­tions, including specialty hospitals, medical and mental health group prac­tices, a managed behav­ioral health company, a chiro­practic and alter­native health provider network, a multi-state provider of behav­ioral health services in nursing homes and assisted living facil­ities, and most recently a child and adolescent mental health and mental retar­dation resi­dential treatment center. Mr. Braun co-founded a number of these ventures.

Mr. Braun has an under­graduate degree in psychology from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, and a Masters of Business Admin­is­tration degree from the George Wash­ington University, Wash­ington, DC. He also completed a graduate certificate program in Total Quality Management from the University of Phoenix. He has twenty years expe­rience as a consultant to business and healthcare profes­sionals and has been active in healthcare delivery, managed care and mental health in Colorado for the past thirty years.