neuroAgility’s Family Support Plan

neuroAgility’s Family Plan is designed to incorporate two (2) sessions for family members for every ten (10) sessions the participant is training with neurofeedback.

When everyone is working to better their relationships and helping to foster an environment at home that is supportive, nurturing and clearly established, things change.  Roles change, boundaries are in place, and daily routines can flow smoothly.

Enjoying your family with honesty and laughter can become central to your way of living with each other.  All involved learn to manage themselves, once that process is under way, the whole system (your family) functions well.  Working with a therapist that is specialized in CBT for Family Systems, and well educated in Neurofeedback (Brain Training) is especially helpful for families that want change and are willing to work at it, in a solution focused way.

Areas we will work in are:


  • Evening Routine
  • Morning Routine
  • After school Routine
  • After work Routine
  • Homework
  • Power Struggles
  • How much sleep do you need?
  • Sleep Hygiene
  • How are we taking TIME to take care of ourselves
  • Communication
  • Fighting
  • Down time
  • Time for discussions
  • Time for no discussions
  • Sputter Time
  • Neurofeedback education

We have a team of Licensed Therapists who specialize in Brain Functionality and Cognitive Behavioral Strategies. Expertise in these two arenas are key in managing success at home and in the world.